28. april 2007

Røldag: Wet Pet

Den forrige posten om helgener og mirakler ga meg nok karmapoeng til å trykke denne sangteksten:

She was my love
but would she love me
or would she dump me
how can you know?

I found a boat
and set her free
but she was eaten
by the Baltic Sea

Some people have pets
I've got the Atlantic Ocean
and I have to feed it
it's as simple as that

He was my friend
but I had to know
if I should push him
how would it go

out from the cliff
he tried to fly
but he was eaten
by the Bay of Biscay

Some people have pets
I've got the Atlantic Ocean
and I have to feed it
it's as simple as that

Oh he was rich
but would I heir him (*)
or would he marry
how can you tell?

I made him swim
I wished him luck
but he was eaten
by Skagerak

Some people have pets
I've got the Atlantic Ocean
and I have to feed it
it's as simple as that


("Would I heir him " trodde jeg betød "ville jeg arve ham?" Dessverre betyr det "ville jeg arving ham".)

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Peace & love.